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21 February 2012

It is funny how my conversations on Twitter often inspire my post topics here on Girl Does Geek. After a conversation today i realised that not everyone is such a geek as me. Some are confused by what google pagerank is and how it affects their own blog. To put it simple Google pagerank is a value that Google uses to determine the value of a website. It is determined by the external pages that link to that site. Google has realised that the number of sites linking to it can be a good indicator to how valuable the content is. but it isn't as simple as a number of links. The PageRank of the site that links to it is also important. For example if a site links to your blog and it has a page rank of 1 it is considered less valuable than a site linking to you with a pagerank of 10. Google PR is measured from 1 to 10 with 1 being the least value and 10 being the most.

But why is this number important? Google uses pagerank when determining how high your site ranks in search results. It isn't the only information it takes into consideration but it is a pretty important one.

How can you check your PageRank?

Just visit PR Checker to find out your own PageRank.

But Firefox also has loads of add ons which will display this info on any page you visit. I believe chrome does too. Like so:

So there you have it. That is what Google Pagerank is. I've tried to put it as simply as possible but if you have any questions leave a comment!
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  1. Thanks very much for the informative post. It is so irritating that Google only reviews PR every few months.

  2. Is there a way of improving the pagerank then? I only have 2 out of 10 :'(

  3. the only way to improve it is by having high quality sites linking to you.

  4. [...] on Google PageRank, what it is and why it is important. If you haven’t already read it click here. I’ve had many questions regarding it and many of you asked how you can improve your [...]

  5. PageRank does NOT matter when google chooses what sites to rank highly for what keywords

    What matters is the relevance and authority of the sites linking to you, not pagerank.
